11am Hike led by Shahryar Shasavari “Water” from Rock Spring

Rock Spring Parking Lot

Topic: "Water"Difficulty:"Regular Hike between 5 and 7 miles" -- At times speedy with a cardio aspect to it, andat times into breathing meditation, this is a fast paced hike and the need for some good formon the participant side.Meeting Point: Rock Spring Parking LotTime: 11AM

9:30am Hike with docent Pat Ernsberger from Dias Ridge

When: Saturday April 7 @9:30Trailhead: Dias RidgeDocent: Pat ErnsbergerTopic: Area HistoryDescription: Dias Ranch and Rancho Sausalito land grant to the Miwok Sacred Mountain. Down the Dias Ridge Trail, across Redwood Creek and up the Miwok to our Dias Ridge trailhead.Difficulty: R 

11am Hike with Docent Catherine from Bootjack

When: Sunday, April 1 @11amTrailhead: BootjackDocent: Catherine OrlandTopic: Waterways of Mt. TamDescription: Water on Mt. Tam is essential for all kinds of animal and plant life, including Redwoods, which we will see and hear about on this hike. But to really understand how water flows on Mt. Tam, we have to hike through and across […]

5:30pm Hike with docent Robert Feist from Bootjack

When: Wednesday April 4 @5:30pmTrailhead: BootjackDocent: Robert FeistTopic: Mt Tam HistoryDescription: Come to the first Wed eve hike of the season!  Experience the mountain like no other time - softening daylight to the beautiful hues of sunset!  A perfect opportunity for mid-week excercise enjoying the splendors of Mt Tam!Difficulty: R

9:30am CANCELLED (Hike with docent Marie Bush from Rock Spring)

CANCELLEDWhen: Sunday April 1 @ 9:30amTrailhead: Rock SpringHike Docent: Marie BushTopic: WaterDescription: Climb Ben Stein and then follow the water in the Cataract creek, pass the water fall and back. Rather short 5 miles, but somewhat challenging for novices. Meditate on the sound of water and silence the chatter in your head.Difficulty: Regular