“Walking Mt. Tam: Trails of Creativity” / “Me thinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow!” -Thoreau. / Science is proving what people have known for ages – going out into nature is one of the best ways to connect with your creative mind. There will be a few stopping points along the way so bring a notebook, pens/pencils, and make your own creative connection to Mt. Tam!
Pantoll Parking Lot, Mt TamalpaisTENTATIVE ROUTE: TBD DISTANCE: 5 miles / Moderately Strenuous (Will generally be challenging for an unconditioned person. The terrain will involve a steady and often steep incline. Generally 5 to 8 miles.) MEET: Pantoll Parking Area DEPARTURE: 9am Departure. Group should return no later than 1:30pm NO REGISTRATION OR SIGN UP NECCESSARY. Everyone welcome! Just […]